I recently returned from a hiking trip in the Canadian Rockies. Actually it was a helihiking trip. That means a helicopter picked us up from our lodge/base camp at 5,000 feet and delivered us to alpine meadows with wild flowers, cascading waterfalls and 9,000 foot peaks in minutes.
I had never been in a helicopter before and was a bit nervous about it. But since this was to be a fun family trip, I decided to widen my comfort zone and just do it. I find it ironic that times in my life as I was hesitant to do something new, it actually turned out to be an amazing life experience. My partner's family, (used to be my in-laws but that was before our marriage was invalidated, I guess that could be another story!) are the outdoor types, so this was touted as an must-do must-see trip. Wow that sure was the case.
At this point you may be wondering how this figures into what's going on a Mäni's on Fairfax? Well, two things... One is how we become creative when we change our routine or environment. This gives us a new perspective on things on sometimes on life in general. The second thing is more specific to being adventuresome at Mäni's. Sometimes customers may be shy about asking to try an item in our bakery cases that they've noticed. We may think, Oh I can't ask them to waste or ruin or cut a piece of that beautiful cake or pie or eclair for me to taste, that would just be too forward, too out there!
But that's really not the case at all! We want you to be adventuresome at Mäni's. We want you to ask hummmm, I've never tried that, I wonder if I'd like it? I would be our pleasure to have you taste anything in our bakery cases.
So the next time you're not sure about having a new experience/adventure at Mäni's, just go for it!