Many of you may have heard that Mäni’s no longer sells wholesale to stores like Mothers Markets and Whole Foods. While we regret many of our customers no longer have the convenience of buying our products at these fine stores, it has now allowed us to change our production and baking times to better suit our customers here on Fairfax.
Now when you come into Mäni’s on Fairfax in the afternoon and evening, you can ask your counterperson, what's just come out of the oven? They can simply walk back to the bakery production area and scan our bakers racks for products. Some may still even be warm or hot! Wow, ever since I was a little kid I loved to eat fresh baked goods right out of the oven.
So whether your fav is a chocolate chip cookie, or a pumpkin cranberry muffin, you can now get one fresher than ever. So make friends with your favorite counterperson and find out what's available just out of the oven. Oh yeah, and don't forget about the scones and especially the turnovers!