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January 18, 2006


Evelyne Kohler

good choice of colour (honey), personally the graphic might be a bit less geometrical. At a first look, the homepage appearance does not represent the opening door to a bakery (I have to add that -unfortunately- I have never seen your bakery, but I am Swiss and a coffee&bakery maniac).

- categories overall: distinction of different categories.
Although, the eye is looking for a unified easy appearance, a small picture(i.e. staff)/symbol/key helps to distinguish and attract.

- Since your place is a bakery, I would love to see some homemade bread. I think this would be a wonderful addition to your healthy and holistic approach.

- category 'staff': a picture of you (maeni!) might be appealing.

- I like your low-sugar idea. Your pastries look delicious. I appreciate your innovative approach and spirit!

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