This story is one reason why blogging for us at Mäni’s on Fairfax is cool. Yesterday we got a call from MTV to see if they could shoot a segment of their new series (launching in April) called The Hills. It's a show starring the leads from Laguna Beach, LC & Jason.
Of course they want to shoot right at lunch time. But it's Hollywood calling, so I work out the details for them to film without impacting our lunch guests....hummmm, that part's not so easy, but we make it happen.
But what I didn't realize would happen, was that so many customers were intrigued by the filming, and some knew the old show, the stars and we're telling me 'what's going on' with this whole Laguna Beach morphed into The Hills story line, about the characters, etc. Others just got to see something different today at Mäni’s. So a regular Thursday lunch scene was really a scene and added entertainment at Mäni’s today. The show's debut is April and many of our willing guests can call their friends and family around the country to tell them they'll be on an episode of 'The Hills', providing they signed a release!
Since I was born and raised in L.A., I'm not ususally big into the whole Hollywood scene, but hey afterall I work with aspiring actors and even an opera singer! (Let's see if you can figure out who that is??)
So which ones of you reading this were here having lunch on Thursday February 2, 2006 and can fill us in on more of this show, LC & Jason and what you thought of the filming? We'd love to hear from you!!
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