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February 02, 2006


cigarette lectronique

You couldn't be more correct!!!

cigarette lectronique

Thank god some bloggers can write. My thanks for this article...

All review gadget and technology

Terribly well executed article.


Fantastic! Nice blogs in here, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna visit this soon. This is a new learning experience for me.Thanks.


Sharon, Thanks for your support! It's good to know we have a customer base in OC! Who knows? Maybe we'll be there someday?? In the meantime we're looking forward to seeing you again when you're in LA!! When you drop in, ask for me, Larry!

Sharon Antonia

We need you in the OC!!!! South Coast Plaza needs you! Yes, this mall needs healthy alternatives and I know they would welcome you with open arms....I can't eat another bowl of tomato basil soup...The only healthy choices we have here are Corner Bakery and Paradise Cafe.
I rave about the coconut macaroons on a daily basis...I want some, oh yeah and a decent bowl of soup.

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